From 23th, Ocotber,2019 to 26th,October 2019, 2019 BCEIA China (Beijing Conference and Exhibition on Instrumental Analytsis) was held in Beiing .
Bring together with Chinese and foreign well-known Lab supplier, focusing latest technologies and achievements , 2019 BCEIA China showed the development of the Analytical & Scientific Instrument in the future.
Guangdong Huankai Microbial Sc.& Tech. Co.,Ltd was invited to the exhibition, our booth is: 6D019
In this exhibition, Huankai showed whole line of microbiological detection products, digital laboratory equipment , water rapid test product series, including the latest MFS manifold filtration system, planktonic microorganism sampler, and fully automatic compressed air sampler. , Automatic Colony Counter, High-Speed Oscillating Sample Pre-Processor, Water Quality Physical and Chemical Detection Kit, Pocket Colorimeter, Molecular Biology Microbiological Detection Kit, and various high-quality biochemical reagents, etc. The achievements in microbiological safety monitoring show that Huankai will keep“focus on microbiological monitoring and control and Escort for the safety of food and drug”.

HANDY PlATE ( Microbial Test Plate)

Collecting & Transport Swab

Microbial Identification Kits