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CRM008 Vibrio Chromagar (Chromogenic Vibrio Agar)




For isolation and identification of Vibrio especially for parahaemolyticus Vibrio in aquatic product





  • MSDS
CRM008 Vibrio Chromagar
 (Chromogenic Vibrio Agar)
For isolation and identification of Vibrio especially for parahaemolyticus Vibrio in aquatic products and food poisoning samples.
Peptone and yeast extract powder to provide a nitrogen source, vitamins, amino acid as carbon source; sucrose as fermentable sugars; most non-bacteriostatic agents inhibit Vibrio bacteria, sodium chloride can be maintained a balanced osmotic pressure; agar as medium coagulant; mixing pigment with Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio vulnificus corresponding enzyme parahaemolyticus specific reaction, hydrolysis of the substrate, the release of the color groups to produce magenta colonies (deputy in the pale yellow tablet Vibrio parahaemolyticus) and green - blue-green colonies (Vibrio cholerae and Vibrio vulnificus).
Formulation(per liter):
Peptone :18.8g
Yeast extract powder:5g
Sucrose: 20g
Sodium chloride:10g
Bacteriostatic agent :1.5g
Agar: 13g
Mixing pigment: 3g
Final pH 9.0 ± 0.2
How to use :
1.Suspend 71.3g of the powder, dissolved in 1000ml of distilled or purified water, according to the proportion of the amplified or reduced. Heated to boiling stirring until completely dissolved, without autoclaving, cooled to about 50 ℃, pour into sterile petri dish.
2.Take 25 g (mL) of test sample with aseptical procedure, add 3% sodium chloride alkaline peptone water 225 mL, with a rotating blade homogenizer at 8 000 r / min homogenized 1 min, or slap-style homogenizer slap 2 min, or pulsed with Pulsifier homogeneous sample processor for 30 seconds to prepare a uniform dilution 1:10. If no homogenizer, then samples were placed in a sterile mortar and ground, and then placed in 500 mL of sterile container, add 225 mL3% sodium chloride, alkaline peptone water and thoroughly shaken.
3.Enrichment: 1:10 dilution above were cultured at 36 ± 1 ℃ for 8 ~ 18h.
4.Vibrio color separation crossed the plate and incubated at 36 ± 1 ℃ for 18 ~ 24 h.
5.Further confirmation of presumptive Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio other validated tests, such as oxidase, Gram stain, biochemical identification.
Quality control:
This product appears light yellow after the pour plate, these strains were inoculated after 36 ± 1 ℃ cultured for 18-24 hours growth in the following table:
Bacteria name                     inoculum (cfu / plate) growth situation   feature
Vibrio parahaemolyticus ATCC17802       30 – 300        good          red
VBO Vibrio cholerae non-01              30 – 300        good        green-blue
Alginolyticus ATCC33787                _____          good         colorless
Escherichia coli ATCC25922               5000          no growth      ___
Storage: Keep container tightly closed, store in a cool, dry place, away from bright light.
Specifications: Configurable 1L of Medium .abayuko@hotmail.com